Aquagold Facial

Aquagold treatments involve the use of gold-plated, stainless steel needles. These tiny needles stimulate natural collagen production and open microchannels on the surface of the skin. Microchannels allow products like wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers to be delivered more effectively throughout the skin.

WHat to expect

There is usually minimal down time associated with an AquaGold facial treatment. You will likely see immediate effects after your appointment. However, it may take several weeks to see full results.

Price Varies : $650+

Instantly  glow with our facial focused on all areas of the face.


Instantly glow with our facial focused on all areas of the neck.


Treatment Areas

Instantly glow with our facial focused on all areas of the déc.olleté.


*Please do not use retinol 1 week prior to procedure. Let us know in advance if you have a history of cold sores.

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