Platelet Rich Plasma

$500 / Treatment for face or Hair restoration
add on injections with vampire facial $100

Platelet Rich Plasma, or also known as “PRP” is an injection treatment that uses plasma from your own blood to stimulate collagen and elsastin that provide structure and elasticity in your skin.
PRP can also be used for hair restoration by being injected into the scalp. This activates growth factors that stimulate the hair follicles and improve blood flow, which can promote new hair growth.
After your blood is drawn it is processed in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma. This portion of the blood contains growth factors that amplifies the healing process and helps the natural formation of collagen. PRP is then injected into the treatment area and can also be used topically with microneedling procedures to reduce down time and amplify results. 

WHat to expect

Generally, starting with 3 treatments are advised, however, additional treatments may be indicated for some individuals. Annual treatments may be needed to maintain results after the initial series of treatments are completed.
Downtime is minimal. Bruising and swelling may occur. 

Injections (face / hair)

Microneedling creates tiny channels in the skin. This triggers  your body to produce collagen and elastin. PRP enhances the results. 

Vampire facial

Treatment Areas

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