Laser Hair Removal

$100 / Treatment for Small Area 
(Upper lip, chin)

$200 / treatment For Medium Area
(under arms, Full face, Bikini line, partial legs, partial arms)

$300 / Treatment for Large area
(Full brazilian, Full legs, full arms, full back)

*Buy 5 get 1 free for All treatment areas

Say goodbye to unwanted hair with laser hair removal. We use innovative technology, an 810 diode laser, for laser hair removal treatments.
No more worrying about shaving or pesky razor burn. Stay silky smooth all year long!

The average person may need 6-12 sessions per treatment area 4-6 weeks apart and ongoing maintenance treatment typically 1-2 times per year once optimal results are achieved.  Downtime is minimal. 

What to Expect

This can consist of the upper lip, chin or areola.

SMall Areas

This can consist of under arms, neck, bikini lines, or partial legs.

Medium Areas

Treatment Areas

This can consist of legs, back, arms, buttocks, brazillian or chest.

Large Areas

*Please do not use retinol 1 week prior to procedure. Let us know in advance if you have a history of cold sores.

With Cherry, you can split your purchases into more manageable monthly payments. Get the ultimate Buy Now, Pay Later solution, and get ready to enjoy your new look on your own terms!

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